Dating Tips: 7 funny 'get to know you' question lovers should ask
The stereotypical question we tend to ask on our first date can be such a bore.
her middle name, his favourite colour, her favourite food, and the name
of his first pet? You feel like a robot reciting your questions, and
soon, your conversation grows stale.
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try out this fun and maybe embarrassing questions that can make you
giggle for weeks after you answer. Don’t take yourself or your partner
so seriously these silly questions and answer will not only get you
closer to your partner but are also met to open and improve your line of
communication in the future.
1 What’s the worst cooking mishap you’ve ever had? Get them to share their biggest cooking catastrophe with you!
2 What was the worst kiss you’ve ever had? Not only are these tales usually super adorable, they can also be super funny.
3 Can you recite the alphabet backwards? Engage yourself too! Try it out
4 What’s the funniest thing your parents would tell me about you from when you were little?
5 Do you have any weird hidden talents? If they say yes, make them show it off!
6 Ever faked an orgasm? If so, why? The answers to this question can be quite funny, depending on the circumstance… More so if the one answering “yes” is a male!
7 Have you ever sent an inappropriate text to the wrong person? Sending a scantily clad picture of your new Victoria’s Secret bra to daddy by mistake? Priceless.