Serious Relationship Appreciate someone you love

Appreciating your partner awesomeness and showing them how your life is better with them shouldn’t be something you do once in a while...

Appreciating your partner awesomeness and showing them how your life is better with them shouldn’t be something you do once in a while. When you have stayed with someone for an extended period of time it should be a daily event. Just showing a daily dose of care and concern in little subtle ways can do beautiful things in your relationship. You need not to wait for a special occasion before seeing reasons why your partner should be appreciated, get back to basics and remind your partner what it is you love about them.
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  • Dress up for your partner. Odds are when you were first together, you were always trying to make a great impression on your beau with the right clothes, sexiest hair, and the perfect body spray. While the perks of being in a serious relationship do include getting to pounce around in your jammies during your days together, show your partner you still want to show off for them by dressing it up once in a while.
  • Ask about their day. Show your partner you’re listening by asking about their day, every day. Not only are you showing them you care, you may even get some juicy gossip out of the deal
  • Have more oral. Let’s be real: it is extremely likely that your partner loves receiving oral. Nothing shows your partner you appreciate their listening, working hard, and support for you quite like treating them to an evening of self-indulgence. Remember this is about them, so just this once, don’t expect any reciprocation.
  • Make a heart-shaped breakfast. Make your partner smile in the morning with a surprise breakfast in bed! While your partner is still snoozing his or her alarm, head out into the kitchen and whip up some heart shaped bacon
  • Dress up for your partner. Odds are when you were first together, you were always trying to make a great impression on your beau with the right clothes, sexiest hair, and the perfect body spray. While the perks of being in a serious relationship do include getting to pounce around in your jammies during your days together, show your partner you still want to show off for them by dressing it up once in a while.
  • Don’t forget your manners.  Show your appreciation for your mate by never forgetting your manners and always using the terms “Please” and “Thank you!”
  • Turn your phone/computer/tv off. Have you ever been hanging out with your partner and suddenly you realize you’ve both been glued to your phones for the last hour and a half? Show your partner you appreciate the time you have with them by putting your phone away and giving them your undivided attention.
  • Never go to bed angry. It’s as simple as that. This is a daily show of appreciation for the love and respect you have for your mate,
  • Don’t forget your manners.  Show your appreciation for your mate by never forgetting your manners and always using the terms “Please” and “Thank you!”


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